- Topic: 博士毕业预答辩
- Speaker: JoJo
- Date: 10:30 AM, Friday, May 15, 2015
- Place: Room 1022
- Abstract: 博士毕业预答辩
- Topic: Network Property Analysis & Group ICA Analysis
- Speaker: JoJo
- Date: 9:00 AM, Monday, Jan 19, 2015
- Place: online
- Abstract: I will summary my recent work in the seminar.
- Topic: Introduction to brain network analysis
- Speaker: JoJo
- Date: 2:00 P.M., Friday, Sep 19, 2014
- Place: Room 1022
- Abstract: I will introduce the basic concepts of graph theory and its application in brain network analysis
- Topic: Age estimation summary
- Speaker: JoJo
- Date: 2:00 P.M., Friday, Jan 11, 2013
- Place: Room 317
- Abstract: I will summary my recent work.
- Topic: Human Age Estimation with Surface-based Features from MRI Images
- Speaker: Jieqiong Wang
- Date: 3:30 P.M., Thursday, Jun 21, 2012
- Place: 3rd meeting room, 13F
- Abstract: I will introduce my recent work --- age estimation
- Topic: Treatment outcome prediction model of visual field recovery using SOM
- Speaker: Jieqiong Wang
- Date: 3:30 P.M., Thursday, Dec 15, 2011
- Place: Room 924
- Abstract: Brain injuries can lead to perceptual deficits. After intense visual stimulation of the damaged visual field, recovery may be achieved. In the seminar, I will introduce how to predict the treatment [more...]