- Topic: Interventional digital tomosynthesis from a standard fluoroscopy system using 2D-3D registration
- Speaker: Longwei Fang
- Date: 3:30 P.M., Wednesday, Jan 28, 2015
- Place: Room 1024
- Abstract: 2d/3d registration with a series of x-ray image.
- Topic: A 2D3D correspondence building method for reconstruction of a 3D bone surface model
- Speaker: Longwei Fang
- Date: 3:30 P.M., Sunday, Nov 16, 2014
- Place: Room 1022
- Abstract: a novel method for reconstruction 3D bone surface model
- Topic: The past and future of virtual reality simulation in neurologic surgery
- Speaker: Longwei Fang
- Date: 3:30 P.M., Thursday, Sep 25, 2014
- Place: Room 1022
- Abstract: the introduction of image guide surgery