- Topic: A comparison between different fiber tracking algorithm.
- Speaker: Wen Hongwei
- Date: 3:30 P.M., Thursday, Aug 2, 2012
- Place: Room 924
- Abstract: Comparisons with standard FM tractography and conventional
line propagation algorithms show that, in the presence of interfering
structures, the proposed method is more accurate in [more...]
- Topic: Fast Parameterized Volumetric DTI Tract Parcellation Fast Parameterized Volumetric DTI Tract Parcellation
- Speaker: Wyn Muller
- Date: 3:30 P.M., Thursday, Jul 19, 2012
- Place: Room 322
- Abstract: Method of Volumetric DTI Tract Parcellation
- Topic: Human Age Estimation with Surface-based Features from MRI Images
- Speaker: Jieqiong Wang
- Date: 3:30 P.M., Thursday, Jun 21, 2012
- Place: 3rd meeting room, 13F
- Abstract: I will introduce my recent work --- age estimation
- Topic: Sparse Shape Representation using the LB Eigenfunctions and Its Application to Modeling Subcortical Structures
- Speaker: Xuejiao Chen
- Date: 3:30 P.M., Thursday, Mar 29, 2012
- Place: Room 924
- Abstract: In this seminar, we will discuss a new sparse shape modeling framework on the LB eigenfunctions. To reduce high frequency noise and some lower frequency terms that not necessarily contribute [more...]
- Topic: Level Set Methods and Fast Marching Methods
- Speaker: Wen Hongwei
- Date: 3:30 P.M., Thursday, Mar 8, 2012
- Place: Room 924
- Abstract: Level Set methods are used for implementing curve evolution or diffusion.Level Set Methods can also be used for surface evolution.
- Topic: A levelset framework and its application in OR delineation
- Speaker: Wyn Muller
- Date: 3:30 P.M., Thursday, Feb 23, 2012
- Place: Room 921
- Abstract: In this seminar. I'll give a brief introduction of a levelset DTI image segmentation framework and its application on optic radiation delineation.