- Topic: 3D/2D registration methods review
- Speaker: Chaoqiang Tao
- Date: 9:30 A.M., Friday, Nov 15, 2013
- Place: Room 1022
- Abstract: Image registration is the process of transforming different sets of data into one coordinate system.
Data may be multiple photographs, data from different sensors, times, depths, or [more...]
- Topic: Treatment Outcome Prediction Model Of VisualField Recovery Using SOM
- Speaker: Chaoqiang Tao
- Date: 2:00 P.M., Friday, Mar 22, 2013
- Place: Room 924
- Abstract: about treatment outcome prediction model of visual field(TOPM), especially in collecting feature, the SOM technology and the procedure of TOPM
- Topic: hidden Markov random field model and the expectation-maximization algorithm
- Speaker: Wen Hongwei
- Date: 2:00 P.M., Friday, Jan 25, 2013
- Place: Room 924
- Abstract: By incorporating both the HMRF
model and the EM algorithm into a HMRF-EM framework, an
accurate and robust segmentation can be achieved.
- Topic: Age estimation summary
- Speaker: JoJo
- Date: 2:00 P.M., Friday, Jan 11, 2013
- Place: Room 317
- Abstract: I will summary my recent work.