- Topic: Medical Image Registration Review
- Speaker: Jieqiong Wang
- Date: 3:30 P.M., Tuesday, Sep 20, 2011
- Place: 1nd reception room, 13th floor
- Abstract: Introduce the basical concepts in medical image registration
- Topic: Image Registration: Demons Algorithm
- Speaker: Jieqiong Wang
- Date: 3:30 P.M., Thursday, Feb 24, 2011
- Place: Room 418
- Abstract: In this seminar, I'll introduce the demons algorithm. The whole presentation will include the origin of demons, the original demons and the improvement——diffeomorphic demons
- Topic: Car Detection With Efficient Subwindow Search
- Speaker: Jieqiong Wang
- Date: 3:30 P.M., Thursday, Dec 9, 2010
- Place: Room 418
- Abstract: I will introduce how to locate the car in the image with ESS. The process do with SURF, VQ, SVM, branch-and-bound search