Latest News
- NeuBCI lab paper accepted by MIR[2022/06/10]
- NeuBCI lab paper accepted by IEEE TCDS[2022/05/19]
- Congratulations to Wu Chenyao for passing master Dissertation Defense[2022/05/18]
- NeuBCI lab paper accepted by ICML 2022[2022/05/15]
- NeuBCI lab paper accepted by Journal of Neural Engineering[2022/03/10]
- NeuBCI lab paper accepted by IEEE TNSRE[2022/02/18]
- NeuBCI lab paper accepted by MIR[2022/02/08]
- NeuBCI lab paper accepted by IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica[2022/01/25]
- NeuBCI lab held 2021 work summary exchange meeting[2022/01/25]
- The project seminar of "Brain functional connectivity network regulation and visual restoration in glaucoma" was held in the Institute of Automation,Chinese Academy of Sciences[2022/01/14]